Are you being abused?

It is our desire to spread understanding and compassion to girls/women in abusive relationships, we have compiled a group of articles on some websites that can help young girls/women find answers.

Click on any of the link:




Are You Being Abused?

You are being emotionally abused if your partner: 
  • Calls you names, insults you or continually criticizes you.
  • Does not trust you and acts jealous or possessive.
  • Tries to isolate you even so far as to eliminate your job.
  • Monitors you excessively.
  • Controls you with money.
  • Punishes you by withholding affection.
  • Expects you to ask permission.
  • Threatens to hurt you, the children, your family, your pets or himself.
  • Humiliates you in any way.

You are being physically abused if your partner has:
  • Damaged property when angry
  • Pushed, slapped, bitten, kicked or choked you.
  • Abandoned you in a dangerous or unfamiliar place.
  • Scared you by driving recklessly.
  • Used a weapon to threaten or hurt you.
  • Forced you to leave your home.
  • Trapped you in your home or kept you from leaving.
  • Prevented you from calling police or seeking medical attention.
  • Hurt your children.
  • Used physical force in sexual situations.

You are being sexually abused if your partner:
  • Views women as objects and believes in rigid gender roles.
  • Accuses you of cheating or is often jealous of your outside relationships.
  • Wants you to dress in a sexual way.
  • Has ever forced or manipulated you into to having sex or performing sexual acts.
  • Held you down during sex.
  • Demanded sex when you were sick, tired or after beating you.
  • Involved other people in sexual activities with you.
  • Ignored your feelings regarding sex.